Sunday, December 20, 2009

9 months and growing....

Wow a lot has happened in the last 3 monts!!! Liam has grown up so much and continues to surprise and sometimes even annoy mom and dad :) He is crawling all over the house now and getting into things that he really should not be playing with! Last week he got into his bath soap and somehow dumped 1/4 of the bottle all over himself and the bath mat....o the joys of parenthood! We learn something new everyday from him! We are so thankful to have such a great baby he sleeps through the night and is happy most of the time except for the last week he is starting to teeth again and is getting his top two teeth in! I can not wait for them to come in so he will not be so fussy ;)
Christmas is just around the corner and we will be getting holiday pictures up soon! Merry Christmas may God bless you this holiday season!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

6 months going on 7....

Can you believe that I am almost 7 months old already? Mommy says it has gone by fast but I am not so sure. I love exploring my world and now that I am moving around I love to keep mommy and daddy on their toes! My favorite thing to play with is the cords to the computer and the DVD player. I went through really hard time a few months ago when I got my first two teeth and now it seems like I it is coming back to haunt me again, Mommy says I am teething again. Everyday I seem to learn something new some things I enjoy and others Mommy gets upset with me, she says there are some things that just are not met for babies to play with but I am a persistent little guy and just must play with whatever mommy says I shouldn't! I am not quite crawling I get up and rock on my hands and knees but I prefer to do the military crawl as daddy calls it, it is so much easier to move around on my belly the only thing mommy does not like is when I spit up on the kitchen floor, play in it and then mop it up with my clothes! I just do not see what the problem is, I was just playing and I cleaned up my mess all by myself!!! Well now mommy says it is time for a nap so I better go and do what she says I am pretty tired and she seems to know what is best for me!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Wow it has been awhile since we have wrote anything! So much has happened and we have begun a new adventure in our lives. We have now completed our transition out of YWAM and Uriah is working full time four days a week and 10-16 hour shifts he is exhausted at the end of the day but enjoys coming home to spend time with me and of course Liam :).

What a busy summer we have had! Liam just turned 4 months old! He is getting so big he is rolling over so much there is no way to keep him on his blanket anymore! He also loves to prop himself up and look around the room, I have a feeling he is going to be crawling soon....He has also had a lot of other firsts in the last few months. He went camping over the fourth of July and did amazing! He slept through the night and woke at 5am to eat! He got to go to Silver Creek Falls where he decided that cold water was not really that fun :) and just today he went to the beach which loved! He just could not get enough of the sand and tide, he was so adorable laughing and talking making his cute little happy noises(pictures coming soon). Summer is not over yet and we are looking forward to a few more camping trips and possibly a trip to Bend to see Uncle Gideon!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Two Months old!!!

Wow our little man is already two months old!! Time is just flying by! He weighs 12 pounds 7 ounces and is 23 inches long now. He is interacting with his surrounds more talking and smiling he is trying to laugh which is so adorable! He has almost rolled over a few times he makes it 3/4 of the way but his arm gets stuck and he starts to scream! He is sleeping through the night although the last few nights he has woke up at 4:30, little stinker. What a little blessing God has given to us!

Monday, April 27, 2009

One Month Old!

I can not believe my baby is one month old already, people tell you time goes by fast but I did not believe it until it happened! We took our little guy to the doctor today and he is doing great! He is almost 12 pounds! I still can not believe that huge little baby came out of me! Liam is a great baby, we are so blessed he only wakes up once during the night between 2-4 and again in the morning around 6:30ish. Sleep has never been so good! As for me I am healing well and feeling so much better, I am still not able to work out the way I want to lose the belly weight but that will come in time for now I have a baby to care for and love on....what a blessing.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Liam's first Easter

Liam had his first Easter on Sunday, not very eventful for him, long day for mom and dad! We took him to church for the first time and then to my grandparents house for Easter lunch and to meet the great grandparents. He slept most of the day but we had a very long night with a fussy baby! Apparently he does not like to be passed around and when he is he is always fussy at night, it makes for a long night for us.
He is almost 3 weeks old(on wednesday) I can not believe how fast the last few weeks have gone. I am recovering well still sore as expected but I got the ok to start walking and doing light exercise, man it feels good to walk! I can definitely tell when I have done too much though and I have to just sit and ice my incision, ice never felt so good :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Liam is here.
4:55 am, 3-25-2009
By C-section
21”, 10lbs 13oz
Mother and Son are fine, but visitors will be limited

Welcome to the world son of mine
I want show you how to live, how to love, what is life
I love you, you are mine
I choose you, you are mine
You are mine and I am amazed
Because you are mine
You are my child, my son
Mine in a way that only you can be

I am doing good(michaela) I am extremely sore but happy that I have a healthy boy after 13 hours of being stuck at a 5 I was so happy to finally have him in my arms! God has blessed us with a beautiful son and we are so happy!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby on the way.....

Today is the day!! I will be 42 weeks tomorrow so I am being induced today at 7:00am. We will keep everyone posted. We are very excited and greatly appreciate your prayers!
Soon we will be holding our little one,
Uriah and Michaela

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I am now almost 39 weeks and feeling the weight, he has now dropped and I am feeling the weight in my back! We are ready for him and waiting. We have been so blessed by the things we have been given and the generosity of our friends and family throughout this pregnancy. We have been given all of our larger things and friends have pooled together money for what we still needed, thank you all so much! We are ready for him now, bassinet made, dresser full and organized, bags packed and car seat ready......

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby Belly

I am now 33 weeks into my pregnancy and counting. Our little guy is moving around so much it is so amazing to feel AND see his little arms and legs move across my belly. It is hard to believe in just a few short weeks we will be parents. We had the opportunity to take some belly shots of our little one still yet to come. I can not believe how big I look and feel it just amazes me how God designed women to carry a child for 9 months and give life to them. I can only wait in anticipation until the day my little guy comes and I can hold him for the first time.