Saturday, August 1, 2009

Wow it has been awhile since we have wrote anything! So much has happened and we have begun a new adventure in our lives. We have now completed our transition out of YWAM and Uriah is working full time four days a week and 10-16 hour shifts he is exhausted at the end of the day but enjoys coming home to spend time with me and of course Liam :).

What a busy summer we have had! Liam just turned 4 months old! He is getting so big he is rolling over so much there is no way to keep him on his blanket anymore! He also loves to prop himself up and look around the room, I have a feeling he is going to be crawling soon....He has also had a lot of other firsts in the last few months. He went camping over the fourth of July and did amazing! He slept through the night and woke at 5am to eat! He got to go to Silver Creek Falls where he decided that cold water was not really that fun :) and just today he went to the beach which loved! He just could not get enough of the sand and tide, he was so adorable laughing and talking making his cute little happy noises(pictures coming soon). Summer is not over yet and we are looking forward to a few more camping trips and possibly a trip to Bend to see Uncle Gideon!