Monday, April 27, 2009

One Month Old!

I can not believe my baby is one month old already, people tell you time goes by fast but I did not believe it until it happened! We took our little guy to the doctor today and he is doing great! He is almost 12 pounds! I still can not believe that huge little baby came out of me! Liam is a great baby, we are so blessed he only wakes up once during the night between 2-4 and again in the morning around 6:30ish. Sleep has never been so good! As for me I am healing well and feeling so much better, I am still not able to work out the way I want to lose the belly weight but that will come in time for now I have a baby to care for and love on....what a blessing.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Liam's first Easter

Liam had his first Easter on Sunday, not very eventful for him, long day for mom and dad! We took him to church for the first time and then to my grandparents house for Easter lunch and to meet the great grandparents. He slept most of the day but we had a very long night with a fussy baby! Apparently he does not like to be passed around and when he is he is always fussy at night, it makes for a long night for us.
He is almost 3 weeks old(on wednesday) I can not believe how fast the last few weeks have gone. I am recovering well still sore as expected but I got the ok to start walking and doing light exercise, man it feels good to walk! I can definitely tell when I have done too much though and I have to just sit and ice my incision, ice never felt so good :)