Saturday, March 28, 2009

Liam is here.
4:55 am, 3-25-2009
By C-section
21”, 10lbs 13oz
Mother and Son are fine, but visitors will be limited

Welcome to the world son of mine
I want show you how to live, how to love, what is life
I love you, you are mine
I choose you, you are mine
You are mine and I am amazed
Because you are mine
You are my child, my son
Mine in a way that only you can be

I am doing good(michaela) I am extremely sore but happy that I have a healthy boy after 13 hours of being stuck at a 5 I was so happy to finally have him in my arms! God has blessed us with a beautiful son and we are so happy!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby on the way.....

Today is the day!! I will be 42 weeks tomorrow so I am being induced today at 7:00am. We will keep everyone posted. We are very excited and greatly appreciate your prayers!
Soon we will be holding our little one,
Uriah and Michaela

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I am now almost 39 weeks and feeling the weight, he has now dropped and I am feeling the weight in my back! We are ready for him and waiting. We have been so blessed by the things we have been given and the generosity of our friends and family throughout this pregnancy. We have been given all of our larger things and friends have pooled together money for what we still needed, thank you all so much! We are ready for him now, bassinet made, dresser full and organized, bags packed and car seat ready......